Snow and Soup

This past week we talked about ice and snow again, and we are going to extend the unit this week in honor of the actual snow, because snow and ice are so fun! 

On Tuesday we had a great day in the forest, and a nice visit from Lauren Winterer, a fellow forest school teacher at the Wright-Locke Farm, a non profit farm that has a forest school program just north of Boston. She was visiting our program for a professional development day. It was nice to connect and exchange ideas on our similar programs. We found some nice ice to play with on our way to the forest and did a lot of building while we were there. 

On Wednesday we stayed at school and read Snowflake Bentley, the true story of a VT farmer in the 19th century who became a pioneering naturalist and internationally recognized snowflake expert. His story is beautifully presented in a children’s book illustrated by Mary Azarian, a well known VT woodcut artist. We also looked at the book of his published snowflake photographs, which are amazing! We made a lot of observations about the shapes and designs of snowflakes. They all have six sides, but each one is unique in the world! Then we made some snowflake rubbings and cut paper snowflakes. 

On Thursday we talked about the months of the year and read Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak. We made chicken soup with rice, and also chicken soup with homemade noodles. Because homemade noodles are fun!

Thanks Lauren, Susanna’s mom for making the noodle dough for us and for donating some chicken as well. The homemade noodles were a big hit. 

We also made some lovely snowflakes. 

Have a nice evening and we’ll see you soon. May you be happy, May you’ve healthy, May you be peaceful, May you be filled with joy.


Snow Jackpot

