Fungus in the Forest
Hello everyone,
Thank you so much to everyone for coming to conferences. It was wonderful to connect with all of you!
We had a great week in the forest, talking about the forest. This weather has just been so lovely. We have been talking about leaves and trees quite a bit this fall, and then last week we took the week of Halloween to focus on all things spider. The spider world is an exciting one of building and of predator prey relationships. They also can give many of us a creepy feeling, but they are so cool.
This week we built upon our tree knowledge to begin our study of the forest. We read The Tree in the Ancient Forest, and acted out that story of the interconnection of many different species through their relationship to one tree.
On Tuesday we read Little Sap, a sweet story about the life of one little tree and her tree family and the mycelial network that connects them. It's a lovely book that helps children imagine the life span and relationships that trees have. We held hands together in a circle and pretended to be trees passing messages and food to each other through a mycelial connection in our hands by passing a squeeze around the circle. And of course we had lots of forest play.
Next week we will continue to talk some more about the forest and some of the creatures that live in it, and how they are all connected.